Christmas Interview - FREE Digital Download!


💛 A print-at-home interview for children to get to know family and friends.
💛 Questions that are fun to answer and lead to meaningful conversations. 
💛  Find out Christmas favourites as well as well as what they would do with a time machine!
💛   The children will love asking the questions and finding out the answers. 

"As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people. People who are good for you, good to you, and good to your soul."


💛 The interview can be repeated with answers compared and memories shared. 
💛 Space for the interviewer to write about the person they are interviewing, explain who they are to them, and draw a portrait!
💛  Something to keep everyone talking and a chance to get to know each other that little bit better. 
💛  Questions get answered that wouldn't normally be asked. 
💛  If they enjoy it, please consider The Book of Me & You for their gift next year!

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