The highs and lows, the milestones and tumbles, the burps and belly laughs, the big stuff and small, celebrate it all with your Baby Book of You.
- Designed with every kind of family in mind.
- Created in the UK with love.
- A modern version of the classic baby book.

Across the wonderful, challenging and life-changing first twelve months, this babyhood journal will help you remember the special moments, (even when sleep deprivation means your memory is shot to pieces). It’s designed for all kinds of families, all kinds of babies and all kinds of new arrivals - including birth, adoption, fostering and surrogacy.
You’ll find inclusive monthly prompts and space to add reflections, memories, photos, and all the firsts that matter most to you, whatever they might be. There’s also lots of room for your baby to make their mark. The result is a baby memory book that’s a true one-off, just like your family.
Please find below some of our frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please send us an email to hello@colourchronicles.com or use our contact form and we will be happy to help.
There are no assumptions made on family or firsts, it simply asks ‘Who I am to you’ and ‘Firsts for this month’.
With plenty of pages for welcome messages, photos and mementos from family and friends, there is somewhere for everyone important to write a message to the baby and for it to be kept safely along with all those other memories from the first year.
‘Before you arrived’ - what was known along with preparations
‘Your birth day’ - first impressions along with first words, there are prompts to capture everything that would like to be remembered.
‘My greatest achievements’ as well as ‘Your greatest achievements’ - there is room to capture what life was really like as well as celebrating milestones along the way.